Monday, March 14, 2011

Better late then never!

Well I know McKenna is now 5 months old, and I am just now starting this but it's better late than never right!? My friend Melissa (also Noah's Mommy - McKenna and Noah are only 10 mins apart!) has a blog and I love reading it and think it will be something so cool to look back on!

Well where do I start....These last 5 months have been the best of my life. The day McKenna was born my life changed instantly. I love being a Mom and it's hard to even imagine my life before McKenna was here.

McKenna only a few seconds old...

A moment I will never forget seeing Steve hold her for the first time...I think it brought tears to everyone in the room!

Can't even explain this moment!

We are so blessed to have her in our lives and it is so exciting to see how much she changes from day to day. Hopefully I can get the hang of this and keep you all updated from here on out! :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay! So glad you are doing a blog! Looking forward to reading it! :)
